Wednesday, August 22, 2012



            One of many major issues that could be solved with the enforcement of “island civilization,” is the enormous problem of deforestation. This is also known as the destruction of indigenous forests and woodlands. It is a huge problem that is taking away the habitats of millions of species and also having an effect on climate change. A high percentage of these forests will never be seen again because they have been built over by homes, communities and even entire cities. Deforestation can happen because of fires, logging, new highways, but it mainly occurs because of population growth and city expansion. If the idea of humans being contained to certain islands worked, these forests that have been completely cut down would have the chance of growing back without being disturbed.
            There was an article by National Geographic that highlighted the speed at which deforestation is occurring and the negative effects it is having on our environment and life forms. The article noted that deforestation is even contributing to global warming. With a reduced amount of forests, more greenhouse gases are escaping into the environment because there are fewer trees to absorb these gases. A solution suggested was to eliminate the process of clear-cutting and instead plant new trees every time old ones are cut down. This process will slowly begin to balance out the amount of trees being destructed.
            Brazil is one of the greatest countries being affected by deforestation. Brazil is home to the Amazon, which has seen the greatest amount of forest destruction. Part of the destruction is caused by farmers who need more space for growing crops and livestock. These farmers, like many others, use the slash and burn technique, which destroys the trees quickly and easily. Other reasons for deforestation in Brazil are due to logging, soybean production and mining activities. It is estimated that by the year 2030, the Amazon will be reduced by forty percent.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I feel that deforestation would decrease tremendously once introduced to the idea of "island civilization." We constantly tear down forest to create something we feel is "necessary" at the time and to make our lives easier. Deforestation not only effects the environment itself, but the species and habitats amongst it. Due to our actions, we harm and danger their lives every single day. We may not realize it, but we destroy natural resources as well. By trying to prevent such a concept, we will slowly balance out the amount of trees destroyed and create a better environment for everyone.
