Tuesday, August 28, 2012

McKibben and Quiz Response

From McKibben's podcast, the speaker clearly states that people and the growth that comes along with people is creating numerous problem for the environment. Bill McKibben wants agriculture to be more local and contain less fossil fuels, the reason for this is because of how people try to mass produce items  such as food, but do not do so in the smartest way. McKibben highlights that humans need to stop thinking about growth and instead focus on durability, meaning people cannot base production on making the most items in order to make the most money, but make items that will last and are solid, durable items that are safer and better for humans and the environment. The author also mentions the term "videophilia," which McKibben describes as kids being unconnected to the outside world and the environment because of new technologies like the internet and cell phones. "Videophilia" can lead to a massive problem because the next generation will be even more uneducated then the current one. When reading over the quiz, noticing how many questions could be left unanswered, people of our generation and age could be easily just as ignorant to our environment as young children. There were questions that seemed like only a scientist should know the answer to, not a high school or college student.

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