Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Food and Sustainability Issues

After watching The Meatrix it is easy to see that we have a major issue with the way our food is produced. The main issue focuses on the production of our meat. What needs to be changed is the living conditions of the animals and what they are fed. First off, the places animals are forced to live in are unsanitary for them and the consumers who buy the food. They never see the daylight and become sick from the conditions, many of them cannot even walk. This is not only a problem for them, but  also for the consumers. When we are eating meat from unhealthy, sickly and unsanitary animals, we ourselves could easily be negatively affected. This mainly pertains to our health and sicknesses/diseases that we could pick up. Another important issue is the unnatural items animals are being fed to enhance their growth. They are pumped with steroids, chemicals and other unnatural things that end up affecting the consumer as well. Yes, this process is cheaper for the manufacturer and consumer, but it is unsafe and unhealthy for the animal and the consumer at the same time. People need to realize what they are buying and understand that there are smarter ways to consume.

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