Monday, October 1, 2012

Synthesis of Article

The article I chose makes a strong point that I greatly agree with. The author, B. Jickling, focuses on education and sustainability. His main focus is how educational systems try to implement the idea or term of sustainability into the curriculum. Jickling believes doing this is not enough. He states that "sustainability" is too limited of a term and excludes important ideas. Sustainability is one important issue, but it is not the only thing we need to be educated on in order to better our world and earth. In his article, Jickling reveals why sustainability cannot be our only focus. 
 Jickling proposes a few ideas that could possibly change this issue. He first mentions that we must be less deterministic. This means that we can not stay stuck on the idea of sustainability. We have to be willing to branch out and accept a broader range of ideas. When we become less deterministic, there will be more space to include other concepts.
His next point is that we try to use more inclusive language. If we only focus on the term sustainability, we  are leaving out numerous important ideas. Jickling suggests terms such as: "Environmental ethics," "ecofeminism," and "social ecology" that are all up and coming ideas that cannot be forgot because we are focusing too much on sustainability. This is an important step to changing how much time we spend on this one idea. 
         The biggest issue Jickling highlights is that there are far more environmental issues than sustainability can cover. He even wants to focus on equity and justice, not just issues of the environment. He believes we need to focus on all ideas and issues that can better the world and clearly sustainability is not cutting it. Jickling concludes his article with the proposal that we need to go where sustainability cannot. 

1 comment:

  1. Good synthesis of a peer-reviewed article. Expand on a few of the terms for a more in-depth explanation for your readers.
